jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Hispano Suiza 3T6, 2ª serie. 1:72

Finalmente, los dos modelos de este vehículo, fabricado por Hispano Suiza, están listos para pintar. Aunque casi todos los estudiosos sobre la guerra civil coinciden en que el color adecuado es el gris, tengo serias dudas al respecto. Pienso que lo más normal es que todos los vehículos fabricados en serie fueran pintados en verde ruso, a diferencia de los construidos y modificados en fabricas por los obreros de las mismas. He consultado a fotógrafos acostumbrados a trabajar en byn, motivo por el aún no están pintados.
 Finally, the two models of this vehicle, manufactured by Hispano Suiza, are ready to paint. Although almost all experts about the SCW are agree that the right color would be grey, I have serious doubts. I think would be natural that all vehicles manufactured in series were painted in Russian green, unlike the models built and modified in factories by the workers of the same. I have consulted with photographers who normally work in b & w. I'm waiting.



4 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful work Pedro, it's a privilege to see this being create from zero. I hope they become commercially available, I'd like to build one. It reminds me of the one on the following photo, also built by a Spanish modeler and using the figures I created some time ago:


  2. absolutely stunning Pedro, your scratch is wonderful.

  3. Hello

    You are perfect scale builder ! I have a little request. You built some time ago Zis-5 rail truck, Spanish version. Can you have a photo of original, and one your photo of rear of your kit.
    I you find some, please send to : caravaggioV1@gmail.com
    I will be grateful :)


  4. Thank friends.

    Francisco. I want to sell some copies in Torrent this year. A small serie about my two 3T6 and Nash Quad nº 4.
    Przemo. I have sent you a mail.
