El Lancia 3RO, fue uno de los grandes camiones de la industria italiana. Fabricado en 1938, pensé que estuvo en la SCW aunque no he encontrado ninguna fotografía que lo demuestre. El modelo en resina de MarS es excelente aunque no apto para modelistas noveles. Piezas muy pequeñas e instrucciones poco claras.
The Lancia 3RO was one of the great trucks of the Italian industry. Made in 1938, I thought it participated in the SCW but I haven't found any pictures about it. The MarS's resin kit is excellent but not recommended for new modelers. Pieces very small and unclear instructions.
The Lancia 3RO was one of the great trucks of the Italian industry. Made in 1938, I thought it participated in the SCW but I haven't found any pictures about it. The MarS's resin kit is excellent but not recommended for new modelers. Pieces very small and unclear instructions.